

This year middle school science launches into a study of our physical world and its laws! Carlisle Christian Academy's 6th, 7th and 8th graders are learning about chemistry, waves, forces and electricity. We love to get our hands dirty and minds engaged with experiments and experiences. Join us here on our blog to see what we are doing in class! You can contact Mrs. Tiday at

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

CH 4 - WS on Intro, organizing the elements, metals and nonmetals

Middle School
Physical Science
CH 4 - WS on Intro, organizing the elements, metals and nonmetals

 1. Define:
  • electron - the smallest particle of an atom, it has a negative charge
  • proton - the positively charged particle in the nucleus of the atom, accounts for 1/2 the weight of most atoms.
  • neutron - the un-charged particle in the nucleus of the atom, accounts for 1/2 the weight of most atoms
  • nucleus - the central part of the atom composed of all the atoms neutrons and protons
  • ion - An atom which is now charged positively or negatively because the # of electrons is out of balance with the # of protons
  • isotope - An atom which has a different number of neutrons than it should according to its atomic number

2. Draw and label the box on the periodic table for the element Lithium.  (include: atomic mass, atomic number, electrons in each energy level, atomic symbol)
  • atomic mass is 6.941
  • atomic number is 3
  • electrons in each shell are 2 and 1
  • atomic symbol is  Li

3.  Draw a picture of Lithium

4. Draw a picture of a (+1) ion of Lithium.   same as above but subtract one electron

5. On the periodic table, the horizontal rows are called __periods___.
6. The vertical columns are called ____groups_____.
7. The most highly reactive group is the ____Alkali Metals_______.
8. The group of elements that NEVER bond are called ____Noble Gases_____.
9. Which group would be soft like butter if found alone?  Alkali Metals
10. Which group is usually a gas?  non-metals  like Oxygen and Nitrogen
11. What can you use to make a synthetic element? a particle accelerator

12. Which group glows when electricity is run through it?  Noble Gases
13. If I start with the element Nickle and add an electron... what to I get? An ion of Nickle

14. If I start with the element Nickle and I subtract a neutron...  what do I get? An isotope of Nickle

15. What happens to Nickle if I add a PROTON??  Nickle changes to Copper and since I didn't add a neutron o an electron... it  is both an ion and an isotope.

Label the periodic table with these words:  Alkaline Earth Metals, Transition Metals, Alkali Metals, Noble Gases, Non-metals, &  Synthetic Elements.  Use a different color for each section.

Synthetic elements have white lettering... (There is a slight difference in the transition metals.  Do not worry about which PT you follow, both will be correct)

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