

This year middle school science launches into a study of our physical world and its laws! Carlisle Christian Academy's 6th, 7th and 8th graders are learning about chemistry, waves, forces and electricity. We love to get our hands dirty and minds engaged with experiments and experiences. Join us here on our blog to see what we are doing in class! You can contact Mrs. Tiday at

Monday, November 18, 2013

Study Guide for Quiz on Ionic and Covalent bonds (CH 4/5)

1. Why do atoms bond? (There is a priority that all atoms have.  They bond to fulfill this need… what is it?)  ___Atoms love to have their outer layer (Valence level) of electrons full.  They will give or share electrons to make this happen._____

2.  Describe the process for each type of bond:

  • Ionic __In an ionic bond, an atom with very few electrons in the outer (valence) level will give an electron(s) to an atom that is only missing 1 (or a couple) electrons in its valence level.  When the electron is given, the one atom becomes positive and the other becomes negative.  The oppositely charged atoms (called ions) will attract each other.  This is called bonding.________________
  • Covalent ____In a covalent bond, two atoms share electrons.  The shared electrons travel around both nuclei connecting them with a covalent bond.____

3.  Give 2 characteristics for molecules that are bonded in these ways
  • Ionic _____(1) conducts electricity   (2) crystalline  (3) high boiling point     ____
  • Covalent _____ (1) does not conduct electricity   (2) lower melting point _____________

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Mrs. Tiday