

This year middle school science launches into a study of our physical world and its laws! Carlisle Christian Academy's 6th, 7th and 8th graders are learning about chemistry, waves, forces and electricity. We love to get our hands dirty and minds engaged with experiments and experiences. Join us here on our blog to see what we are doing in class! You can contact Mrs. Tiday at

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Review page for Ch 2 Sections 1 and 2

1.     Define:
a.     Matter- Anything that has mass and takes up space
b.    Chemistry - The study of matter and its properties
c.     Physical property - A property of matter that can be observed without changing the matter to a different type of matter.
d.    Chemical property - A property that is observed when the matter is changing to a NEW form of matter.
e.     Element - A group of atoms with the same amount of protons.

2.     Is a leaf’s ability to burn showing a physical property or a chemical property?  Chemical!
3.     When measuring the mass of a silver spoon, am I recording a physical property or a chemical property? Physical!!
4.     What does the Periodic Table list? all of the elements
5.     How many protons are in the element Helium on the periodic table? (get out a periodic table to help you)  2
6.     How many electrons are in the element Calcium on the periodic table?  20
7.     How many elements are on your periodic table? 100+
8.     What can the elements on the periodic table be used to make? All matter
9.      Draw the atom Helium and label its parts.

10.  Which of these 3 parts has a negative charge? electron
11.  Which is the smallest of the 3 parts? electron
12.  Define:
a.     Molecule- 2 or more atoms bonded together
b.    Compound - When the atoms that are bonded in a molecule are DIFFERENT elements.
c.     Chemical formula - tells us what elements are in a molecule and how many of each (ratio)

13.  How many atoms are in one molecule of CO2 3
14.  What are the elements that are found in CO2Carbon and Oxygen
15.  What is a common name for CO2? carbon dioxide

16.  T/F  Atoms can not bond with other atoms. F
17.  T/F  Molecules that are in a mixture can be close to other molecules without bonding.  T
18.  T/F heterogeneous and homogenous are two types of mixtures.  T
19.  T/F the properties of an element stay the same when it bonds with another element.    F

20.  Draw a homogenous mixture  and a heterogeneous mixture

(heterogenous is on the left)

21.  Mass is measured using a _____scale_______.
22.  Volume tells us how much ___ space an object takes up_______.
23.  Which is more dense a marshmallow or a chocolate kiss?  chocolate
24.  What does it mean to be more dense?  It means that there is more mass per unit (ml) of volume.

25.  Which is measured in grams?   Volume    Mass 
26.  Which is measured in ml?    Volume        Mass
27.  Which can be measured by submerging an object in a cylinder filled with water?  
Volume        Mass

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