

This year middle school science launches into a study of our physical world and its laws! Carlisle Christian Academy's 6th, 7th and 8th graders are learning about chemistry, waves, forces and electricity. We love to get our hands dirty and minds engaged with experiments and experiences. Join us here on our blog to see what we are doing in class! You can contact Mrs. Tiday at

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Science Animation Project 2014

For this project we will be using an animation app to model a scientific concept (Android or iPhone).  Students will choose a topic and then design an animation that will illustrate it.  We will have a Science Film Festival in class on the final day for students to share their work. 

Here are 2 samples that I made as an illustration on my iPhone and an Android that a friend lent me:

        Animation Creator (from iTunes, $1.99)...
          Flip-a-Clip for Android (Free with ad)...

Vocabulary to discuss before we begin:
frame rate (fps)
onion skinning
backgrounds versus animated objects
copy and paste

For this project the student will...
1.  Download
·         for computers: (fun... but we won't use it this week)
·         for iPhones: Animation Creator from iTunes
·         for Android: Flip a Clip from Google Play
2.  Choose a topic
3.  Create an animation (3 days in class)

A.    Approximately 20- 50 frames,  15 seconds
B.     The animation will be free from distracting elements
C.     The animation will have sufficient detail to present the topic clearly/accurately
D.    Name your file with your first name and last initial (.mov if it asks you)
a.       example:
E.     The animation will be emailed to 

4.  Present his/her animation at the Science Film Festival on the final day of the project along with a verbal explanation of the scientific concept being illustrated.  (Test grade)

5.  This is a test grade; both the animation and the presentation (~1 min.) will count toward the grade

6.  If a student forgets his device (or uses one in a way that does not support the goal of the project or maintain the safety of the device) there will be an alternate project assigned.

Getting started with 

Animation Creator for iPhone/iPad

Basic intro, no sound

How to do layers
Day 1 assignment:  After watching the tutorials, create a simple animation of a circle that falls from the sky to the ground.  Mrs. Tiday should see this before you begin your project.

NOTE:  You cannot go back to an old frame and add a permanent feature SO be sure to add all permanent features the FIRST time the frame is opened. 

Getting Started with 
Flip-a-clip for Android

Review of the product and introduction:

Tutorial for basic flip-a-clip made by its creator:

Silent Flip-a-clip tutorial:

Day 1 assignment:  After watching the tutorials, create a simple animation of a circle that falls from the sky to the ground.  Mrs. Tiday should see this before you begin your project.

NOTE:  You cannot go back to an old frame and add a permanent feature SO be sure to add all permanent features the FIRST time the frame is opened. 

Getting Started with

Free for computers

Practice Day Assignment:
1.  Open a new document
2.  Erase the stick figure
3.  On Frame #1 (the page you opened to) create a circle
4.  Go to Frame #2,  you should still see the circle.  Move the circle down by grabbing the yellow dot.
5.  Go to Frame #3, Move the circle again.
6.  Play the frames by pushing the play button.
7.  Now open a 4th frame and draw a square. (you should now have a circle and a square)
8.  Open a 5th frame and move both the square and the circle.
9.  Do this for a few more frames and then watch your movie.
10.  When you have successfully created an animation for a circle and a square, you can begin to try out other parts of the program such as adjusting color, frame rate, line thickness and adding new stick people.
NOTE:  You cannot go back to an old frame and add a permanent feature SO be sure to add all permanent features the FIRST time the frame is opened.

Science Concepts for Illustration (or choose your own)
1.  The law of conservation of momentum, p. 357
2.  Buoyancy, p.381
3.  Bernoulli's Principle applied to airplanes, p. 395
4.  Bernoulli's Principle applied to chimneys,  p. 396
5.  1 type of simple machines at work, pp. 422-33
6.  Covalent Bonding p. 167
7.  How lightning forms
8.  Series v/s  Parallel Circuits

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