

This year middle school science launches into a study of our physical world and its laws! Carlisle Christian Academy's 6th, 7th and 8th graders are learning about chemistry, waves, forces and electricity. We love to get our hands dirty and minds engaged with experiments and experiences. Join us here on our blog to see what we are doing in class! You can contact Mrs. Tiday at

Monday, December 9, 2013

CH 8 Worksheet for Carbon Chemistry

 1.    How many bonds can Carbon make?    Four
2.    How many Valence electrons does Carbon have? _4_ Where are the other 2 electrons?  They are in the first level, closer to the nucleus
3.    Is water an organic molecule?  No  (it does not contain carbon)
4.    Name 2 products that are made entirely of Carbon: diamonds and graphite (for pencils)
5.    Where can we find one of these products in our classroom?  In Mrs. Tiday's ring or in a student's pencil.
6.    What is the difference in how their Carbon atoms are arranged?  

  • In diamonds, the carbon molecules are bonded with 4 other carbons and form a three dimensional structure that is very strong.
  •  In graphite, the carbon atoms join with 3 other carbons to form sheets.   The sheets are stacked and flake off when you write with the pencil.

7.    What is the difference between a compound and a molecule?   

  • A molecule is a more general term.  It refers to any group of bonded atoms whether they are the same element or different elements.  
  • A Compounds is a group of bonded atoms that includes at least 2 different elements from the Periodic Table
  • Examples:  02 is a molecule, but not a compound.  CO2 is a molecule and a compound because it contains 2 elements

8.    Name three characteristics of organic molecules: 

  • they have an ordor
  • they contain carbon
  • they have low boiling and melting points
  • they are not good conductors 
  • they do not dissolve well in water

9.   Why are Nucleic Acids NOT listed on the pie chart?  They are found in everything that has cells so it is automatically included in the other sections such as proteins.

 I handed out a copy of the table from the back of our worksheet in class

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