

This year middle school science launches into a study of our physical world and its laws! Carlisle Christian Academy's 6th, 7th and 8th graders are learning about chemistry, waves, forces and electricity. We love to get our hands dirty and minds engaged with experiments and experiences. Join us here on our blog to see what we are doing in class! You can contact Mrs. Tiday at

Friday, March 2, 2012

CH 14 Review - Oceans, Part 2

Ch 14   Ocean Zones
WS #1

1.    Make a timeline of Ocean exploration.  Include 4 people/groups that we have discussed.

1000 BC                 1AD                                    1492       1769                  1872
Phoenicians             Polynesians                     Columbus                         HMS Challenger
*Mediterranean      *Pacific                           *Atlantic                              
                                                                                       Captain Cook

2.    Which group discovered 4,000 new organisms?   HMS Challenger
3.    Which group explored while Jesus was on Earth?       Polynesians
4.    How did people measure the ocean’s depth before electricity?   By dropping a weighted rope into the water and measuring the length when it hit the bottom.
5.    What is it like deep in the ocean?  Cold, dark, high pressure
6.    What does SCUBA stand for? Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
7.    How does SONAR work?  Sound waves are sent out and bounce off something and return to the sender.  The length of time the sound took to return tells the Sonar how far away the object is.
8.    Draw a rough sketch of the ocean floor and label these parts: (#6) Mid Ocean Ridge, (#3)Continental slope, (#2) Continental shelf, an island, (#4 & #5) the abyssal plain, (7)a deep ocean trench
9.    There are three main zones of the Ocean and each has its own type of habitats.  Illustrate the three zones and then list 2 habitats that are found in each zone.  **NOTE: Oceanic Zone is the OPEN OCEAN Zone in our book.
                     Intertidal Habitats             Neritic Hab.               Open Ocean
                      1. mangroves                     1.   kelp forest              1.  surface zone
                      2. tidal pools                      2.  Coral Reefs             2. transition zone
                      3.  salt water marshes                                             3. deep ocean zone

10. Animal life can be put in three groups in the Ocean.  List each and describe it.
a.    __plankton____ = __animal and plant life that floats with the current_______
b.    __nekton____ = ____animal life that can swim about freely______
c.    __benthos____ = ____bottom dwellers___________________
11. Give me two examples of Benthos:  sponges, octopi
12. Which of the Ocean zones has these characteristics: sunlight, a steady supply of nutrients and large plantlike algae can grow to give shelter and nutrients?  ____Neritic Zone_____________
13. Which of the Ocean zones is divided into 3 parts?  The Open Ocean Zone
14. What are those three parts?  Describe them.
a.    __surface zone___ = ___Goes as far as the light________
b.    __Transition zone___ = ___from bottom of surface zone to 1Km down___
c.    __Deep Ocean Zone_ = __Coldest, darkest, highest pressure, from 1Km to bottom____
15.  Where are hydrothermal vents found? Be specific about which zone.  They are found in the Deep Ocean zone near the M.O.R.
16. Name 2 living resources from the ocean and what they are used for.
a.    ___Algae can be found in ice cream and tooth paste_______________________
b.    ___Diatoms are used to create the scrubbing granules used in some cleaners____
17. Name 3 non-living resources we get from the ocean.
a.    ___sea salt______________________________
b.    ___desalinated water________________________________
c.    ____sand and gravel____________________________
18. List two specific things that harm the ocean.
a.    _____dumping used motor oil______________________________
b.    _____Plastics that gather at the garbage patches______________________

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